Shekhar Singh Collections

Environment & Forests

Most of the documents on this website which relate to wildlife conservation, to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, to appraisal and evaluation, or to large dams, could be classified under the broad head of “environment and forests”. However, they have been segregated into their own cubby holes, keeping in mind the specialised interests of many of the potential visitors to this site.

The 1990s was a period when the Government of India was engaged, in a big way, at trying to develop new programmes for different aspects of environment and forest conservation, and to raise both domestic and international funds for the purpose. Towards this end, there was much demand for inputs into the national planning process and many of the documents featured here are essentially an effort to provide such an input.

There was also a need to design programmes and projects for international support, especially through the Global Environment Facility and the World bank and its initiatives relating to the development of the NBSAP (National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, or “Action Programmes” , as they were known in India). Therefore, many of the documents of the 1990s and the early 2000s were designed to inform and influence the thinking of the Indian Government and to assist in the formulation of their policies and plans. Some were also designed to help seek international financial support. These inputs were mostly solicited by the Government of India and the cost of research supported by them directly, or with the help of international agencies like the UNDP.

Shekhar Singh
March, 2021

Documents under Environment & Forests

1981-Land and Water Policy for India

Land and Water Policy for India Download

1983 - Vested Interests

Discusses the inequitable distribution and use of natural resources, nationally and globally, as also sector wise and among the different strata of society. Stresses the need for more equitable management of the environment if resources are to be conserved. Download

1984 - Political Interests and the Environment

This paper fed unto the very heated national and international debate going on in the early 1980s (remember “Poverty is the greatest polluter”), on the seeming conflict between poverty reduction through economic development, on the one hand, and conservation of the natural environment, on the other. Download

1984 - Environmental Policy in India

1984 - Environmental Policy in India   View   Download

1985 - Some Aspects of the Ecological Crisis in India

1985 - Some Aspects of the Ecological Crisis in India Download

1985 - The Natural Environment - Current Policies and Alternatives

This working paper was written in 1985 as resource material fo civil servants attending training programmes at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. Download

1988 – Ecology and Environment

This discussion note discusses the subtle differences between ‘ecology’, ‘environment’, and ‘ecosystem’, and attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about “conservation” Download

1989 - Global Environmental Debate

1989 - Global Environmental Debate Download

1992 – Global Environmental Issues

This paper fed into the growing debate on international environmental issues and responsibilities. There was, at that time, the beginnings of acceptance of the inevitability of “global warming” or “climate change”, as it is more appropriately known now. Download

1992-Legal Provisions Relating to Biodiversity Conservation in India

Legal Provisions Relating to Biodiversity Conservation in India Download

1993 – Methodology of the World Development Report 1992: Development and the Environment

A discussion with one of the co-authors about the methodology of preparing the World Development Report 1992. Download

1995 – Decentralisation and Habitat Conservation

This report was written for internal discussion, and discussion with participants of seminars and training programmes. In 1996, the World Bank published a modified,
updated and edited version of this report as chapter 4 of their Word Bank Symposium document titled "Decentralisation and Biodiversity Conservation". Download

1995 - Moving the Mountain Agenda

A brief description of some of the highlights of the meeting on the “Mountain Agenda”, organised by the Mountain Institute, in Lima, Peru: 21 to 27 February 1995. Download

1997 - Conserving Water and the Environment

This note was discussed in an international meeting organised in Kunming, China, in December 1997. The meeting had, as participants, representatives of most of the countries in Asia. The meeting focussed on the strategies and issues that need to be adopted by India, Bangladesh, Nepal and China in order to better manage the water resources and the environment of the region. Download

1997-The Gang of Four

1997-The Gang of Four Download

1999 – Environment and Sustainable Development

This note, written in 1999, discusses the seeming conflicts between “development” and “conservation”, and considers strategies to reconcile these conflicts and work towards sustainable development. Download

1999 - Sovereignity, Equity and the Global Environment

1999 - Sovereignity, Equity and the Global Environment Download

2000 - Environmental Conservation Laws in India

2000 - Environmental Conservation Laws in India Download

2000 - Environmental Aspects of Power Sector Development in India

This note was written in 2000 to feed into the ongoing debate on the restructuring of the power sector environmental assessment and monitoring systems in India Download

2002-Policy and Planning for Ecological Security

Policy and Planning for Ecological Security Download

2003 - Interlinking of Rivers - Booklet

2003 - Interlinking of Rivers - Booklet Download

2003-Linking of Rivers – Submission to Prime Minister

2003-Linking of Rivers – Submission to Prime Minister Download

2006 - Humanity and the Biosphere - The Next Thousand Years

This contains abstracts from the report of an international seminar organised by UNESCO and Foundation for the Future, in Paris, in 2006. Of special interest are the two presentations, at the end of the report, illustrating the evolution of the earth and the world, as we know it today. View  Download

2006 - Transparency and the Natural Environment

2006 - Transparency and the Natural Environment Download

2007 - Environmental Security

2007 - Environmental Security Download

2007 - Securing the Environment

Highlights the methods of using the Right to Information Act to protect the environment. Download

2008- Caring for the Earth : Conserving Our Environment While Meeting Our Economic Needs

2008- Caring for the Earth : Conserving Our Environment While Meeting Our Economic Needs Download

2008 - Towards a Social Charter for the Environment

2008 - Towards a Social Charter for the Environment Download

2011-Evolution and Implementation of Environmental Policy in India - Performance of the Congress Led National Governments in India

Evolution and Implementation of Environmental Policy in India - Performance of the Congress Led National Governments in India Download

2022-Traditional Indian Strategies for Environmental Conservation

2022-Traditional Indian Strategies for Environmental Conservation   View   Download


Environment & Forests - Biodiversity

Documents under Environment & Forests – Biodiversity

1992-Legal Provisions Relating to Biodiversity Conservation in India

Legal Provisions Relating to Biodiversity Conservation in India Download

1993 - Biodiversity Conservation in India

1993 - Biodiversity Conservation in India   View   Download

1994-Institutional Support for the Protection of East African Biodiversity

Institutional Support for the Protection of East African Biodiversity Download

1994 - Biodiversity and Indian National Law - A Conceptual Framework

This paper is based on an earlier report, commissioned by the Government of India, titled "1992- Legal Provisions Relating to Biodiversity Conservation in India" (see above), and attempts to describe and discuss central acts relevant to the conservation of biodiversity in India, identifying major gaps in coverage Download

1994 - Future Direction in Biodiversity Conservation

Authored as an input to the discussions held in the various training programmes for senior civil servants, regarding strategies for biodiversity conservation. Download

1995-Conserving Biodiversity

Conserving Biodiversity Download

1995 - Human Population, Biodiversity & Protected Areas- Science & Policy Issues

1995 - Human Population, Biodiversity & Protected Areas- Science & Policy Issues Download

1996 - Decentralisation and Biodiversity Conservation - India

This report was initially drafted in 1995, for discussion in India. In 1996, an edited, expanded and updated version was published by the World Bank to feed into the global debate, along with similar reports about other countries. Download

1998 – Future Directions in Biodiversity Conservation

This was an attempt to feed into the ongoing debate on biodiversity conservation and the best strategies to adopt in the country and in the world. Download

1999 - GEF ops4 - Comments by R. Picciotto & Shekhar Singh

1999 - GEF ops4 - Comments by R. Picciotto & Shekhar Singh Download

1999 - GEF ops4 - Comments of the Senior Independent Evaluation Advisors

1999 - GEF ops4 - Comments of the Senior Independent Evaluation Advisors Download

1999 - Protecting Biodiversity Under the Wildlife Protected Area System in India: A Status Report

1999 - Protecting Biodiversity Under the Wildlife Protected Area System in India: A Status Report Download

1999 - Biodiversity Enabling Activities: India Case Study

1999 - Biodiversity Enabling Activities: India Case Study Download

2000- Strengthening Conservation Cultures-Local Communities & Biodiversity Conservation

Strengthening Conservation Cultures-Local Communities & Biodiversity Conservation   View   Download

2000-Interim Assessment of Biodiversity Enabling Activities

Interim Assessment of Biodiversity Enabling Activities   View   Download

2000 - Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India - Volume I

2000 - Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India - Volume I Download

2000 - Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India - Volume II

2000 - Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India - Volume II Download

2000-Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation

Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation Download

2001 – Biodiversity Programme Study

2001 – Biodiversity Programme Study   View   Download

2004 - Ensuring Biological Security

2004 - Ensuring Biological Security Download

Environment and Forests - Biodiversity :
Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

2003 - Book Review – Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India

A review, by Richard Primack, of the report “2000 - Setting Biodiversity Conservation Priorities for India”, Vol. I & II (See above).

Capacity Development

Environment & Forests - Capacity Development

Documents under Environment & Forests – Capacity Development

1992 - HRD Needs in the Environment Sector - Training

1992 - HRD Needs in the Environment Sector - Training Download

1993 - Human resources development for Environmental Conservation

This report was prepared, at the request of The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, with the support of the UNDP, to feed into the then ongoing discussions for strengthening the institutional structures and human resources charged with environmental conservation View   Download

1993 - Institutional Structures and Environmental Management

1993 - Institutional Structures and Environmental Management Download

2000 - Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation

Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation Download

2000 - Country Capacity Development - Needs and Priorities - A Synthesis

2000 - Country Capacity Development - Needs and Priorities - A Synthesis   View   Download

2000 - Country Capacity Development - Needs & Priorities - Regional Report for Asia Pacific

Country Capacity Development - Needs & Priorities - Regional Report for Asia Pacific Download


Environment & Forests - Forests

Documents under Environment & Forests - Forests

1985 - Forests in India

1985 - Forests in India Download

1987-The India Papers - Aspects of NGO Participation in Social Forestry - UN NGLS

The India Papers - Aspects of NGO Participation in Social Forestry - UN NGLS View  Download

1989 - Book Review - Political Economy of Forest Use and Management

A book review, by Shekhar Singh, critiquing an attempt to generalise the findings from a study of just two districts of Karnataka, to the whole country. The review also criticises the thesis that forest dependent local communities have little concern for conservation, and that the government is the main conservation force. However, the book is commended for raising various other important issues. Download

1991 - Monitoring of Tree Plantations Under Social Forestry and Compensatory Afforestation Programmes

This discussion note was drafted in 1991, to feed into the ongoing discussions in the Planning Commission on the finalisation of the Eighth Five Year Plan.
It attempted to suggest some new directions in the monitoring of tree plantations as a part of social forestry. Download

1998 – Report of the Working Group on Prospects of Making Degraded Forests Available to Private Entrepreneurs

Report of the Working Group on Privatisation of Forests   View   Download

2002-Forests and Allied Matters in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Vol-I - Report for the Supreme Court

Report Of The Commission Set Up Under Orders Of The Supreme Court On The Status Of Forests And Other Allied Matters In The Andaman And Nicobar Islands, Vol-I Download

2004-Report on the Vasant Kunj Ridge & Forest Area

Report on the Vasant Kunj Ridge & Forest Area Download

2008-The Forest Rights Act 2007: Implications for Forest Dwellers and Protected Areas

2008-The Forest Rights Act 2007: Implications for Forest Dwellers and Protected Areas Download

Forests :
Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

1990-Report of the Duleep Matthai Chaired Committee on Forestry in India

Report of the Duleep Matthai Chaired Committee on Forestry in India   View   Download

Natural Resources Accounting

Environment & Forests - Natural Resources Accounting

Documents under Environment & Forests – Natural Resources Accounting

1992 - Socio Economic Costs of Environmental Degradation- Some Policy Issues

1992 - Socio Economic Costs of Environmental Degradation- Some Policy Issues Download

1993 - Budgeting for Environment

Argues for the need to vigorously study the economic costs of environmental resource use and degradation, and to set up a process by which the government presents to Parliament, each year, a natural resources budget. Download

2000 - Marketing the Environment

2000 - Marketing the Environment Download

2000 - Alternative Economic Survey 1998-2000 – Environment

Focusses on the economic aspects of the use and conservation of natural resources in India, especially the inequities and wastage involved. Download

2001 - Natural Resource Accounting and Budgeting - An Alternate Methodology

2001 - Natural Resource Accounting and Budgeting - An Alternate Methodology Download

2001 - Some Thoughts on Consumption Patterns

2001 - Some Thoughts on Consumption Patterns Download


Environment & Forests - Planning

Documents under Environment & Forests - Planning

1990 - Approach to Environment and Forests

1990 - Approach to Environment and Forests Download

1993-Planning for Environmental Sustainability

Planning for Environmental Sustainability   View   Download

1993 - Planning for Environmental Sustainability

1993 - Planning for Environmental Sustainability Download

1996-Conserving Ecologically Fragile Ecosystems - Report of the Task Force

Conserving Ecologically Fragile Ecosystems - Report of the Task Force   View   Download

1998-Report of the Working Group on Privatisation of Forests

Report of the Working Group on Privatisation of Forests Download

2000 - Environmental Conservation Laws in India

2000 - Environmental Conservation Laws in India Download

2001 - Some Thoughts on Consumption Patterns

2001 - Some Thoughts on Consumption Patterns Download

2006- Report of the Task Force on Governance, Transparency Participation, and Environmental Impact Assessment in the Environment and Forest Sector For the XI Five Year Plan

2006- Report of the Task Force on Governance, Transparency Participation, and Environmental Impact Assessment in the Environment and Forest Sector For the XI Five Year Plan   View   Download

2007- Report of the Planning Commission Task Force on EIAs

2007- Report of the Planning Commission Task Force on EIAs Download

Environment and Forests
Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

1991 - National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development

A copy of the draft strategy and policy statement, along with comments. Download

1994 – Environmental Soundness Makes Economic Sense

A discussion of a talk on “Business Communities and the Environment” given at a round table discussion, organised by AGENDA, an NGO supported by DANIDA, at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in June 1994. Download

2011 - The Aravallis in the Courts

This article discusses some of the major judicial interventions that have attempted to protect the Aravalis in the National Capital Region. Download