Shekhar Singh Collections

Large Dams

The Indira Sagar Dam and its submergence zone

My first exposure to controversies surrounding large dams was through my association with the campaign against the Silent Valley Project, in 1978. Iwas, at that time, teaching and living in Shillong, in Meghalaya, and had developed a keen interest in bird-watching: my cottage was located at the edge of a reserve forest which abounded in bird species. Accordingly, I joined the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and was soon drawn into the debate regarding the ecological viability of the Silent Valley Project, which was being questioned by Salim Ali and many others.

I shifted to Delhi the next year and soon became a member (perhaps the oldest-in-age member) of Kalpavriksh, a fledgeling environmental action group set up in 1979 by a group of college and university students. In the early 1980s, some of the student members of Kalpavriksh decided to do a trek to the Narmada Valley in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, to see for themselves the potential social and environmental impacts of the proposed Narmada Valley project, involving over 30 large dams and many medium and small dams on the Narmada river and its tributaries. They returned convinced that the project, as currently being proposed, would be a social and environmental disaster. Subsequently, Kalpavriksh became an inherent part of the struggle against the Narmada project. I was myself persuaded of the need to review much of the project and got rapidly drawn into the debate.

As luck would have it, the two major dams on the Narmada river, Indira Saga and Sardar Sarovar, were given environmental clearance by the government of India, towards the end of the 1980s. As a part of the conditions for clearance, a Narmada Control Authority (NCA) was set up to oversee the implementation of the project. As per the requirements of the government of India, two subgroups of the NCA, one on the environment and the other on rehabilitation, were also constituted. In 1989, I was nominated a member of the NCA subgroup on environment and continue to be a member till today, 32 years later! This long association drew me firmly into the debate about large dams, especially the Narmada dams.

The government of India had set up a ministry of environment and forests (MOEF) in 1985, to consolidate under one ministry the work related to environment, which from 1980 onwards was being handled by the department of environment, and before that the department of science and technology. Also, brought under the MOEF were matters related to forestry and wildlife, which were till then being handled by the ministry of agriculture. As a part of its new regulatory responsibilities, the ministry of environment and forests set up environmental appraisal committees (EAC) to advise the MOEF regarding environmental clearances for various development projects. In 1989, I was nominated to be a member of the EAC for river valley projects, and thereby my additional involvement with large dams.

Over the years I have not only served on various government committees related to large dams, but I have also been a part of popular movements relating to social and environmental impacts of large dams, and have tried to academically research and debate the pros and cons of river valley projects. Some documents related to these efforts are given below.

Shekhar Singh

Documents under Large Dams

1990 - Evaluating River Valley Projects

1990 - Evaluating River Valley Projects Download

1992 - Evaluating Major Irrigation Projects in India

1992 - Evaluating Major Irrigation Projects in India Download

1998 - Dams, Conditional Environmental Clearances and the Pari-Passu Clause

1998 - Dams, Conditional Environmental Clearances and the Pari-Passu Clause Download

1999- Dams and People's Participation

Dams and People's Participation Download

2000 - The Karma of Dams

A commissioned article, as a response to an earlier article titled “The Dharma of Dams”. Download

2000-Case Study - Large Dams - India's Experience - World Commission on Dams

Case Study - Large Dams - India's Experience - World Commission on Dams   View   Download

2002-Large Dams in India.

Large Dams in India.  View   Download

2003-Social and Environmental Impacts of Large Dams in India

Social and Environmental Impacts of Large Dams in India Download

2004-Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project-Report of the Public Hearings

Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project-Report of the Public Hearings   View   Download

Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

2014 - Dam Standards - A Rights- Based Approach

This document attempts to summarise the required social and environmental standards related to dam projects. Download

Narmada Project

Large Dams - Narmada Project

Documents under Large Dams - Narmada Project

1988-The Narmada Valley Project - A Critique

The Narmada Valley Project - A Critique Download

2000-Maheshwar Hydroelectric Project - Rehabilitation and Resettlement - An Independent Review

Maheshwar Hydroelectric Project - Rehabilitation and Resettlement - An Independent Review Download

2010-Report on Assessment of Command Area Development Plans of Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar Projects

Report of Expert Committee - Vol I - Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Project Download

Narmada Project :
Proceedings of the Narmada Control Authority Environment Sub-Group (ESG)

1987- 1992, Introduction & Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - I

1987- 1992, Introduction & Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - I Download

1992-1993, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - II

1992-1993, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - II Download

1993-1996, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - III

1993-1996, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - III Download

1996-2000, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - IV

1996-2000, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - IV Download

2001-2003, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - V

2001-2003, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - V Download

2003-2019, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - VI

2003-2019, Proceedings of the NCA ESG, Part - VI Download

2008 - NCA Environment Sub Group (ESG) - Subject Wise Review of Minutes

2008 - NCA Environment Sub Group (ESG) - Subject Wise Review of Minutes Download

1993-2017 - ESG Related Correspondence

Correspondence between the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India & Shekhar Singh, Member, Narmada Control Authority Environment Sub-Group (ESG), 1993-2017 Download

Narmada Project :
Correspondence and documents related to the Narmada Action Plan and the Narmada Bachao Andolan

1988-1993 - File 1 - KV Narmada Correspondence and Documents

1988-1993 - File 1 - KV Narmada Correspondence and Documents Download

1988-1991 - File 2 - KV Narmada Correspondence and Documents

1988-1991 - File 2 - KV Narmada Correspondence and Documents Download

Narmada Project :
Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

1988 - Draft Petition on Narmada Project

A draft petition about the environmental and social impacts of the Narmada Project, prepared by a group of NGOs and activists, but never filed in court. Download

1989-90 - Eco-Environmental and Wildlife Management Studies - Sardar Sarovar Submergence Area in Gujarat

A study sponsored by the project authorities. Download

1991 - Environmental Studies - Sardar Sarovar & Narmada Sagar Projects

A list compiled by the project authorities. Download

1992 - An Appeal for Independent Technical Review of the World Bank Funded Narmada Project

An appeal by an engineer for carrying out an independent technical review of the Narmada Project. Download

1993 - Environmental Changes Downstream of Sardar Sarovar Dam

A study Carried out by HR Wallingford and sponsored by the World Bank. Download

1995 - Further Report of FMG on Certain Issues Relating to the Sardar Sarovar Project

A report by a group of experts, submitted to the Supreme Court of India. Download

1995 - Indira Sagar - Narmada Sagar Project - Status Report

A report by the Narmada Valley Development Authority, Madhya Pradesh, on the Indira Sagar Project. Download

1996 - Environmental Aspects to be Reviewed for the Narmada Projects

A listing of the environmental issues that need to be reviewed in relation to the Narmada Project. Download

1997 - NVDA Indira Sagar Project - A Report of Seismic Monitoring

Essentially a status report by the Narmada Valley Development Authority on the Status of Seismic Monitoring for the Indira Sagar Project. Download

1999 - Indira Sagar - Environment Resources Report

A draft report, prepared by the Narmada Control Authority on the environmental and social issues and strategies relating to the Indira Sagar Project. Download

1999 - Monitoring the Impact of Catchment Area Treatment Using Remote Sensing & GIS in Narmada Catchment Area

A report analysing the status of green cover and water bodies, using remote sensing and the geographic information system, in the areas treated in the Narmada catchment areas. Download

2000 – Sardar Sarovar Project: Environment Management

This document gives an insight into the intricacies concerrning the environmental safeguards related to the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project. Download

2004 - Environment Management Status Report - Indira Sagar Project

Prepared by the Narmada Control Authority. Download

2006 - Environment Management Status Report - Sardar Sarovar Project

Prepared by the Narmada Control Authority. Download

2006 - Environment Management Status Report- Indira Sagar Project

Prepared by the Narmada Control Authority. Download

2008 - Performance And Development Effectiveness of the Sardar Sarovar Project

A report on the social, environmental, and financial costs of the Sardar Sarovar Project, by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Download

2008 - The Narmada Valley - 200000 Years of Heritage to be Drowned

An assessment of the archaeological and historical monuments to be submerged by the Narmada Project. Download

2008-09 - Monitoring Treated Catchment in SSP Maharashtra

An interim report of the ICSSR study monitoring the hydrological behaviour in the treated catchments in Maharashtra of the Sardar Sarovar Project. Download

2019 - Environmental Safeguard Measures - Sardar Sarovar Project

This is essentially an update of the earlier 2000 report (given above). Download

Tehri Project

Large Dams - Tehri Project

Documents under Large Dams - Tehri Project

1990-Environmental Appraisal of the Multi Purpose Tehri Dam Project

Environmental Appraisal of the Multi Purpose Tehri Dam Project   View   Download

1995-India’s Time Bomb

1995-India’s Time Bomb Download

1997-Report of Expert Committee - Vol I - Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Project

Report of Expert Committee - Vol I - Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Project   View   Download

1997 - Report of Expert Committee - Vol II - Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Project

1997 - Report of Expert Committee - Vol II - Rehabilitation & Environmental Aspects of Tehri Project Download

2019 - Nalni Jayal and the Battle Against the Tehri Dam

A brief writeup about the late Nalini Jayal, who was one of the major activists concerned about the social and environmental viability of the Tehri Dam. Download

Tehri Project :
Relevant Unpublished/Out-of-print Documents by Other Authors

1986-Assessment of the Environmental Impact of the Tehri Dam - Report of the Working Group

Assessment of the Environmental Impact of the Tehri Dam - Report of the Working Group   View   Download

1998 - Report of the Group of Experts on Seismic Safety of Tehri Dam - Vol I

1998 - Report of the Group of Experts on Seismic Safety of Tehri Dam - Vol I Download

1998 - Report of Group of Experts on Seismic Safety of Tehri Dam - Vol II

1998 - Report of Group of Experts on Seismic Safety of Tehri Dam - Vol II   View   Download